Smells like skunk. Impossible to control. No standard way to measure
Odor is one of the most common complaints, described as smelling like skunks and noxious
Industry sources describe it as impossible to fully control "no available technology can completely prevent odor and VOC emissions" (canbar.org)
There are not yet standard ways to measure making odor complaints difficult to prove, making it more difficult for neighbors to help, especially if local officials want the factory in the town
Industry experts recommend siting factories in industrial zones, far away from residences AND using best current technology to monitor and measure. It will not be full proof but it is a start.
Bottom line: Grow factories will smell. Question is how often and how bad
A lesson in stink from Readington
Marijuana grow facility in Hunterdon is 'like having skunks' outside your house: neighbors
After neighbors complained, NJ DEP stepped in with fines and Verano modified its facility, installing a systems that sounds similar to the system that GMNJ plans to use.
NJ fines marijuana grow facility in Hunterdon after complaints
It appears to be better but it still stinks. Possibly not as bad.
Marijuana grow facility in Hunterdon still irks some neighbors - June 26 2022
Multiple West Amwell residents have driven up to the facility and report that it still smells. One described a slight odor in the parking lot. Another described a stronger odor from farther away.
Readington has since voted to limit marijuana factories to just this one and they supported Verano's application to grow recreational marijuana (which is taxable unlike medical)
Modifications made to stop the stink (from news article linked below)
The building's envelope was sealed to reduce points where cannabis-related odors could be emitted into the air. Mechanical systems were installed to channel the airflow from areas exposed to odor-emitting activities into an exhaust system that would treat the air prior to its release into the atmosphere.
At 11 locations where the air is exhausted from the facility, custom fabricated activated carbon filters were installed.
Portions of the cultivation center are kept under negative barometric pressure to reduce airflow out of the rooms where odor-inducing operations occur and to guide the air from those areas into the filtered air-handling system before being exhausted.
All piping and penetrations through the building's exterior have been sealed airtight.
As a further improvement, eight can-lite carbon filters were installed to treat the air and reduce odor emanation in areas that are used for ingress and egress of the facility, including at the employee entrance and receiving dock in the rear of the property.
NJ DEP not able to confirm odors in Boonton
There is no standard way to measuring cannabis odor and thus no standards. This creates a problem for neighbors dealing with the smell and makes it easier for factories owners to deflect, especially when there is a pre existing smell.
The story linked below illustrates the problem. Selected quote with emphasis added
Boonton officials to work with an environmental consultant to try to eliminate problem in their town
Township Administrator quoted "There is definitely a smell"
NJ DEP responded to complaints and was not able to confirm the odors
Several complaints coming from natural gas source
Ultimately the environmental consultant developed a plan that included active monitoring, that may have been successful.
Washington state task force on odor fails
Washington state went as far as creating a Statewide task force to create standards for and find ways to measure odor
The state wants a vendor that can detect and report on odors from licensed cannabis companies and then determine whether the emissions are potentially harmful to people who live, work or are located near marijuana producers or processors
They received four bids, the lowest of which was twice what the states budgeted
The states put the task force on hold until an odor control expert was hired
The industry complained about too much regulation
She added that any additional costs associated with odor mitigation would be “not sustainable for the industry.